


The purpose of this project was to see how far I could push the Google Docs API. I managed to recreate a unix style command line in Google Docs. How it would work is: you would type "start terminal" and your document would automatically launch the interface. From there you could run commands like "help" and "echo". To make it more complex, I incorporated discord. Users could type in the ID of the channel they would want to talk in and from there they could see people speak and also talk too, like an old IRC client. The way I coded it allowed me to add as many commands as I wanted to use a command handler and interpreter.

What I Learned:

I learned how to use the Google Docs API extremely well. Also turning knowledge I got from Discord Bots to make my own custom command handler. Everything was dynamic which allowed expansion of the project extremely easy. I also created a React webpage to go along with it for the user to add their documentID data and discord token. I also learned to be careful of how I use the Google Docs resources, in order to not use up the rate limiter.

What I struggled with:

I struggled with making sure each command was properly parsed because of user error that could happen. Also, the Google Docs API was sometimes unreliable and timing could not be relied on. Because of the output from the API being so long, it took a while to understand the data and how to loop through it correctly everytime.