
Voidedsky Ticket Bot


The purpose of the ticket bot was to dynamically create tickets with the click of a button from the user, then keep track of the messages being said in the ticket automatically. When the ticket was done, it was saved to a webserver for authenticated users to view. The entire project was completed with native JS and HTML. No react.

What I Learned:

I learned about how ReactJS plays a big part on creating dynamic websites. I learned about Oauth2 authentication, front end development when I had to recreate the discord UI , async bot development with new discordJS capabilities. Efficient database management with MongoDB.

What I struggled with:

I started using to display data on the ticket page, however I realized it was a massive vulnerability, and not meant for my purpose. Additionally, I had a lot of struggles with saving data to the MongoDB database. Overall I learned much from this experience, and it led me to pursue more projects with ReactJS.